When you’re single, you can take care of yourself without worrying about a partner’s needs. This makes it easier to spend money on things you want to do for yourself – like a night out at the bar with your friends.
Being single also gives you the opportunity to build stronger relationships with your friends. And this can lead to more fulfilling experiences in the long run.
1. You Can Have Your Own Fun
Oftentimes, people in committed relationships find that they have to limit the number of friends that they have with members of the opposite gender because their partner would not approve of this. But when a person is single, she can hang out with girls or guys and not have to worry about her partner’s opinion on the matter.
Being single also gives a person the freedom to explore their interests and try new things that they might not be able to do when they’re in a relationship. This can be a great time to take up a new hobby or even travel.
Being single can also help a person to build strong friendships with other single people, which is very important for happiness. Research suggests that single people tend to have more robust friendships than people who are married. This can help to fight loneliness in the long run. In fact, married people tend to lean on their significant other more for social support and might not see their friends as often.

2. You Can Go To A Bar Alone
If you’re feeling a hankering for a drink after work or just want to relax and unwind, a bar is a great place to go. You can catch up on that book you’ve been meaning to read, people-watch or just enjoy a drink in peace. And the best part is that you can do all of this without anyone else!
You’ll have more of a chance to meet people too. It can be intimidating to approach people when they’re with their friends so you might not get the attention you’re looking for. However, if you see someone alone at the bar, be sure to introduce yourself.
Plus, you can also be more lenient about what kind of drinks you want to have. You can go from beer to cocktails or whatever you feel like! Moreover, you can stay as long as you want and leave whenever you’d like. This isn’t possible when you’re with your friends.
3. You Can Have A Night Out With Your Friends
When you’re single, you can hang out with whomever you want. This gives you the freedom to build stronger relationships with your friends as you won’t need to limit your friendships to people of the same gender if you’re in a relationship.
You can also decide how much alcohol to drink and you won’t have to worry about getting a horrendous hangover. You can also try new drinks and discover your favourites. You can even play drinking games such as drinking to the last drop or making weird noises to annoy your friends.
Having a slumber party or camping under the stars with your friends can be an amazing experience. If you are a night person, then going out to explore a new city or country at night can be fun too. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your friends and is a good way to practice your independence. This is something that many couples forget about.
4. You Can Have A Night Out By Yourself
It takes time to get comfortable going out alone for the sole purpose of socializing. However, once you do, it’s liberating. You don’t have to worry about getting hit on or trying to impress someone. You can talk to people in a way that feels natural, and you can decide how long you want to stay at an event.
You can also take advantage of your freedom to explore new places in town. It’s easy to fall into a habit of frequenting the same spots because you see your friends all the time, but when you’re single it’s fun to find some fresh haunts in your city. Plus, this frees up time for other hobbies like learning a new language or focusing on self-care.